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Helpful list, Vaccination clinics

The Connecticut Humane Society has a helpful list of Vaccination clinics and recommended schedule for puppies and dogs that I wanted to share with you!

2017 Vaccination Clinic Schedule

May 5, 19

June 2, 16, 30

July 14, 28

August 11, 25

September 8, 22

October 6, 20

November 3, 17

December 1, 15, 29

They recommend that you...

Call to schedule an appointment: 800-452-0114

Vaccination clinics are by appointment only.


If your dog is aggressive please do not bring him/her to a vaccine clinic. A regular office appointment will be necessary.

Recommended Vaccination Schedule: Dogs and Puppies

Age Vaccine

6 to 8 weeks Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, (depending on breed) Parainfluenza and Parvovirus (DHLPP) #1

9 to 12 weeks DHLPP #2

3 months Rabies (required by state law) this vaccine lasts one year; all subsequent vaccinations will be good for 3 years if kept current

15 to 16 weeks DHLPP #3

(depending on breed)

1 year Rabies (required by state law) this vaccine lasts for 3 years

Every 3 years (if kept current) Rabies (required by state law)

As needed Bordetella (recommended prior to being admitted to a kennel with boosters annually)

As needed Lyme Disease (available for dogs at high risk with boosters annually)

Hope this has been helpful. If you need more information reference the CT Humane Society at

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